FY 2025 Quality Improvement Funds
Please use the links below to access forms and other important pages related to your Quality Improvement Funds. Please be sure you have your Quality First Site ID number and password to log in.
ORDER FORM: use this form to add items to your incentive orders. You will need your Site ID and password to access this form.
FINALIZE YOUR ORDER: You must finalize all items so they can be purchased from the vendor. Use this link to access saved items and finalize them for purchasing.
Order Status: use this link to view the details and approval status of all orders you have finalized for purchasing. You will need your Site ID and password to access this page.
Received, Damaged, Missing Items: Use this link to notify us of items you've received, and ones that may be damaged or missing. You will need your Site ID and password to access this page.
Reset your Password: use this form to reset your password. You will need to have your Site ID. A password reset link and instructions will be emailed to your incentive email address. (Reach out to your coordinator for assistance, if needed.)
If you have any questions please reach out to incentiveorder@candelen.org.