Call for Presenters

Candelen invites you to submit a proposal to present at the 2023 Celebrate the Young Child Conference! This will be our 30th year hosting a premier early childhood conference in Arizona. Sessions at the Celebrate the Young Child Conference will be held on Saturday, April 15, 2023, at the Phoenix Convention Center.

This year’s conference will be our first in-person conference since 2020. Expected attendance is 500+ Early Childhood caregivers and educators including teachers, mentors, coaches, caseworkers, administrators, and more. We are seeking innovative, interactive, and motivating presentations to showcase the talent in the early childhood field.

We are seeking the following topics of interest:

Behavior Management Administration

Family Engagement

Social Development

STEM or STEAM Topics

Outdoor Education


Child or Family Trauma

Teacher Support

Any other relevant, engaging, and interactive topic for our target audience.

The 30th Celebrate the Young Child Conference will be an in-person professional development opportunity to:

Network with early childhood educators from across Arizona in a relaxed atmosphere.

Contribute to a sense of professionalism within the early childhood field.

Opportunities to expand your market reach.

Share your passion and commitment to young children.

I want to learn more

For more information, contact Patti Longman at (480) 829-0500 ext. 1032 or Lou Durant at (480) 829-0500 ext. 3256.